Friday, 29 May 2009

Double layout

I have been attending a SDU course (Scrapbooking Design and You - I think that's what it stands for) and am just over half way through. This week we discussed layout design building blocks and how you can strengthen your layout with line. Our homework this week was to complete a double page layout following a sketch that Janice had prepared for us incorporating line in the layout.

I really enjoyed this week's class and felt it was all coming together nicely. We started off the layout at the end of the session but, as usual, I didn't get very much done and finished it off at home. I am sooooo slow and it takes me an eternity to make a decision about anything. I stand and stare at every single thing I put on the page and wonder whether it would be better placed somewhere else! LOL, you may think after looking at my double layout that it doesn't look as if I spent any measured time at all on it!!!

I think choosing a font to do the title is one of the hardest decisions....As my pages are about water I went for a font called World of Water which is available free on DaFont. I got an image of a tap and using my Silhouette I traced round the edge of it and used it as the "r" in water. I then added the drips of water using gems - I knew I wanted to do this right from the start. I think it does make it easier having a sketch to follow, certainly for me as I am a beginner.

I'm pretty pleased with my efforts and can't wait to start another page :-)

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